Monday, July 1, 2013

Worshick, You're Doing It Right.

                My little girl (Arianna) is learning that she really loves to sing.  I enjoy this as I sit in the van and we are going somewhere as a family.  She begins to sing whatever song crosses her cute little mind.  Sometimes it is “Twinkle Twinkle”, sometimes it is another children’s song.  She also likes a few songs of worship.  She latched onto Matt Redmen’s “10,000 Reasons” when she heard me singing it at church through the system when she was in the nursery. 

                Even now when she hears it on the radio, “That’s your song daddy” which I find humorous since Matt Redmen is British.  She then breaks into the song to sing along.  Recently on a car ride, she belts out the chorus…

“Bless the Lord O my soul,

Oh my soul!

Worshick His holy name…”

“Peanut, (that’s my nickname for her) it’s worship.”


“No, with a “P””


“No, P, puh puh P”


This went on for a bit, but then I realized.  My little girl was singing to God, she knew she was singing to God...and I am hung up on pronunciations?

Is it really that important?

I interrupted a sweet 3 ½ yr old worshiping the Creator of all things…to correct how she said a word.  I am not saying that I can’t correct her grammar ever, but is that really the best time?  Let that little voice belt it out, man! 

                Of course, this triggered a flow of thoughts for me.  I mean, I am sure there are so many things I feel have to be done a certain way.  There is a correct formula for how we need to do things.  Have I really begun to let those formulas, processes, and procedures inundate how I worship?  I have to spend time worshiping my heavenly Father in a certain way…AND SO DO YOU!

                You can’t worship Him dressed like that.  You can’t worship Him with that song.  You can’t worship Him with a hat on.  You can’t worship Him with bare feet.  On and on we can go…

But where is the freedom of being His child?

Here’s what I know, I want my child to worship God freely.  I want her to feel the warmth of His embrace.  I want her to approach Him with the freedom to not worry what others think of her raising her hands.  I don’t there to be a hindrance of what others may think or feel.  I just want her to always search for satisfaction in the eyes of her Heavenly Father. 

She can worshick Him

In fact, I hope she worshicks Him with all of her heart.

I hope she worshicks Him and no one else.

I hope I am man enough to let her have freedom to worshick Him how He leads her and not hinder her with my presuppositions.

I hope I can lead her to this worshick.

Someday, I hope I can side back and well up with pride as I see her turn over her life to worshicking Him in freedom.

I don’t think a God that told His disciple to not hinder or prohibit the children to come to Him minds an off pronunciation from a 3 ½ yr old.  I am pretty sure His Spirit helps us communicate the things we don’t have the words for (or mispronounce).  I have confidence hearing a child’s voice, whether it a child (physically) or His child (spiritually), crying out to him brings Him great joy.  It doesn’t matter if it has a lisp, stutters, sounds like Elmer Fudd, doesn’t know the words to the song, is crying, sounds clear, on key, or can’t quite figure out what the range for the song is until the chorus goes up…He loves every second of it!

Today, may you worshick Him with all of your heart.  May you not worry about what is going on around you when that song that really touches your heart comes on the radio or iPod, worshick…worshick…WORSHICK!  Because, He has made us…He knows us…and He is a God that loves to hear His children crying out to Him.