As we
open up the dialogue today, I want to begin to unpack the birth of Christ a
bit. We can see the Joseph and Mary are
travelling to Bethlehem for the purpose of the census (Luke2). Anyone that has been around a woman that is
pregnant or has been pregnant themselves would know of the limited mobility
when one is in the latter stages of that condition. In the midst of that, Mary endured. The almighty being woven together with in her
as she rides with the faithful Joseph to Bethlehem, which fulfilled prophesy by
the way (Micah 5:2).
If we
start with the image of Mary riding the donkey as Joseph walks alongside on
their way to Bethlehem, it would behoove us to backtrack just a bit to see what
has happened. The angel announces the
arrival of Christ through Mary to both Joseph and Mary at separate times
(Matthew 1 & Luke 1). The
announcement took place in Nazareth which is the place where the decedents of
King David settled. The word Nazareth
itself means “Branch Town”, which is important because of yet another prophecy
(Jeremiah 33:15).
announcement was very important for many reasons, but I would like to key in on
one angle in particular. We see
engagements in our modern western culture as a promise to get married. The engagement can be broken with, depending
on the individuals, little to no repercussions save a bit of emotional
distress. In the culture that we see
Christ being inserted, it would carry a great deal more weight. To break an engagement would be much like a
full blown divorce, and in Biblical culture, would carry much more scandal than
it would today.
announcement, however, meant the Joseph had a profound role to play in this
process. I suspect that for the normal
Jewish male at this time (and for the vast majority of us today) finding out
our fiancé or wife was pregnant with a child when it is not possible that the
child could be ours would cause us to react very swiftly and in a fashion that
would cause a finality to the relationship.
The visit from the angel legitimized the pregnancy, which kept Joseph in
the relationship with Mary and the Son of God, whom Joseph was called to care
I always kind of
wondered if Joseph ever resented being in this situation.
the less, Joseph dutifully did as he was supposed to. There is no evidence of Joseph resenting the
situation, in fact, he may have been overjoyed with the fact that he was
chosen. We do see in he was considered a
righteous man and wanted to deal kindly with Mary (Matt 1). I just inject the thought because it crosses
my mind when I look at this narrative.
Maybe I speak out of my own weakness and misunderstanding. As we take these facts to rejoin the image of
Mary on the donkey and Joseph leading her along, they see Bethlehem in the
the normal custom was if you were traveling “home”, as we see Joseph was doing
(Luke 2) you would stay in one of the guest rooms at a relative’s house. So, where does the inn keeper come in here? There are some interesting facts to take into
account as we peel back what we see happening in the Bible. We see that the word used for inn (Katalyma) is the word used for a guest
room in a home, not a “hotel” room (pandoxion
or pandocheion). Basically, there was no room in the family
home for them so they were sent to a back room where the beasts of burden were
kept. Since they did not have
automobiles back then, it would almost be as if Christ was born in the
garage. There were animals involved, but
it was probably not the nativity scene that we have grown accustomed to thanks
to Francis of Assisi.
wonder what that scene looked like as Joseph began talking to his relatives
about a room and they said all that they had was room in the proverbial
garage. “Mary is pregnant and you are
going to put us up in your garage?” I
am sure, being wearied from the travels he agreed to “crash” there. I sit back and admittedly speculate as I
process through this story. I can also
imagine after making sure that Mary was settled in, he walked outside and wept
a bit. If I put myself in his shoes and
I had the Christ coming and I was to provide for Him, a pregnant wife that I
loved, and just being weary from traveling, and the weight of all of this upon
his shoulders, I could see a tremendous amount of stress rising within him. That’s just me and maybe Joseph was a
stronger man than I am.
possibly as Joseph is collecting himself and preparing to wind down for the
night he hears, “Joseph! He is
Adam, is this the beginning of the conversation on looking at a completely unfiltered Jesus? If so where did the image of Mary riding on a donkey come from? I don't see it in Luke 2 or Matt or Mark. Oh well. Ken
I was basing that on the idea of the likelihood of that time and culture of a very pregnant woman being able to make that long of a journey. It certainly isn't an absolute. I was looking at the unfiltered view as without outside influence more so than literal. However, your comment does show how easily we can take things for granted.
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