Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Sacred Skirmish

One of those strange things that I have found that I enjoy is finding out about weaponry.  Now I do not take it to the extreme of studying it, but if I see it on a show and it explains how the weapon works, I find it very interesting.  I think it is so interesting how creative people can be on matters of hurting, maiming, and killing those who would be their enemy.  So much energy from so many cultures throughout history has been exhausted to create ways to protect, defend, and attack.  I am amazed at what I see, the science that has gone behind it, and the genius that man has put into violence against others.
I just sit back and think about all of this as I am watching a movie about a historic war.  I see the strategies involves, the trickery, the planning, and all the wonderment of mankind put into play so people can defend and/ or attack their enemy and advance their own purpose.  I sit back and think about how ingenious man can be when we are driven to desperation. 
Now I couple that with the thought that about the physical realm, the things that we know and how I have been taught and have seen firsthand that there is a spiritual realm and that there is more power in the things we cannot see than in what we can see.  I then remember that we have an enemy that is more malicious than any we have that we can see. 
Imagine the weaponry of his arsenal. 
The hatred and desperation with which he flings his weaponry is devastating. 
This is not an enemy that should be forgotten, neglected, or misunderstood, and yet, how often do we walk along our lives non-chalantly as this enemy ravages our lives, our families, and those around us? 
The good news is we have an ally that can blow that despicable enemy of ours out of the water.  The ally we have protects us, and even empowers and enables us to battle this enemy with His power. 
Our God is a great God.
The problem I see as I look at my life and the life of many of my friends is that we become very susceptible to our enemy’s attacks without calling upon our almighty ally.  We do not let our ally, who has our best interest at heart; to have the strategic placement He needs in our lives in order to defend us from the enemy.  Rather, we let the enemy have more control, sneak in, and tear us apart.  We must rely on our ally, desperately seeking for His empowerment through His Spirit.  We must understand that our enemy does seek to destroy us, kill us, and take all that is best for us away. 
You can’t ignore it, our enemy is there, and so is our God.  Silence the enemy, let our ally have all that He needs of us and keep the enemy at bay.  Submit, resist, and escape the entrapment of the enemy.
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.   We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

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