Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you all, I pray that you had a wonderful celebration in your worship of Him today. 

"What a wonderful victory we all may partake in. 
What a victory was bestowed upon us, though so undeserved. 
What a weight so freely, for us, He resigned.
His resurrection institutes our victory, our life, our freedom which He has reserved.
The life He has created access to, for us all to be received.
Will we accept?  Will we ponder, reflect, and remember His sacrifice?
Will we rejoice in, celebrate, and live in victory that we have believed?
Will we live a life that tells that tells others that His sacrifice did not suffice?
May we celebrate His resurrection and life with a life that would reflect
A life worthy of His name, one that brings honor in place of our shame.
I pray there would be no room for others to suspect,
That we live for anything less than the wonder of His name."

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